Prep Tips for Podcast Guests - All the Do’s, Don’ts and Pro Secrets!
Make it your best interview yet.
Familiarize Yourself
Right out of the gate there are a few simple steps you can take to set yourself up for a successful interview. Although not always required, you can arrange for a pre-interview call with your host to get to know them better and iron out the episode’s content.
A crucial step is to listen to several episodes of the show ahead of time. By visiting their website and social media pages you can become well versed in the show. As we will elaborate on later, at this point you can leave a review for the show as well.
A key way to connect to your hosts before the interview is on social media. These hosts have extensive networks and very valuable contacts to expand your own digital footprint. LinkedIn is a great place to start for that, but don't forget to connect on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and the like.
Tech and Setup
There's nothing worse than recording an amazing interview…only to realize after the fact that the audio quality was of poor quality!
Well before the interview, check the microphone you plan to use and record a test clip to see if the space you are using has suitable acoustics. You will also want to check your internet connection, and it's a good idea to reboot your devices and modem before the interview so your settings have a fresh start.
Several days before recording, check with the host to make sure you know what platform you will be using. In some cases for radio interviews you will need to call into the show at a certain time, as they are not legally allowed to call you and make a recording in some areas.
Ensure you have ironed out these types of details well before your interview, and the day of, we recommend leaving 15-30 minutes before the interview as backup testing time.
Pro tip: Make sure you have a glass of water beside you in case you get a cough or tickle in your throat, it's much more common when you are a bit nervous!
Looking for more expert tips?
Check out our article on How to Improve Your Sound Quality for Podcast interviews
Hype it Up!
Forecast success by generating interest in the episode. Well before it is aired, you can utilize the social media tools at your fingertips to capture the interest of your audience. Create a simple graphic, audiogram, or a few second teaser trailer video calling your followers to tune into the podcast. This will amp up the excitement level, increase follower interaction, allow them to share with their friends, and therefore increase the amount of people listening in.
By doing so, you will not only be benefiting yourself, but you will simultaneously be drumming up followers for your rockstar host - and who wouldn't want to lend them a hand! Keep the team effort up by sharing the episode after it has been published, and tag the show so you can link up and interact with their community. Remember to be a pal and write them a great iTunes review (or any other platform the show is shared on). It will serve to further establish the podcast, and show the community that you are a team player!
What Are You Bringing to the Table?
Previous to the recording, compile a fielded outline with the host centered around your pre-selected interview questions. Then proceed to review the information you have prepared, and ensure you feel confident on the resources you are sharing.
If you are having guests to your home, sure, it is an option to quickly grab a few leftovers from the fridge and microwave them for a passable meal. But wouldn't it not elevate the experience to gather nutritious ingredients, incorporate a variety of fresh flavors, and share with your company a thoughtfully prepared meal?
So, what are you bringing to the table in this interview? Resist the urge to quickly reach for the leftovers from the last podcast you prepped for. For instance, is the information that you are sharing on your experience up today, or have you had some new adventures in your life and career path that listeners should hear about? Also review and refine any statistics on your business that you are sharing to cement the fact that what you are sharing is up to date!
Keep it up to date, keep it fresh. Create content that listeners can't wait to dig into, and keep them coming back to your table for more.
Prepare Your Promos
We’ve said it once, and we will say it again - teach, don't sell! So, if you are going to include a brief call to action or promo at the end of the episode, then make sure it is well prepared so it can be as succinct as possible. Ensure the call to action is written in such a way that the benefit to the listener is what is highlighted. Your promo could include a free link to your eBook, a code they can enter to have a reduced price off of your product, or a limited time deal just for them. If it is brief, and leaves them with the impression that you are sharing an opportunity with them, rather than trying to sell them something, then your listeners will be less apt to bristle at the concept of a promo at the end of the interview.
Podcast Faux Pas
Here we come to another critical area of podcast guesting don’ts! You are now prepared with the content you want to share, but how you are presenting the information is just as important as what you are saying.
The credibility of even the more accurate information can be questioned if it is shared in an unsavory or unprofessional manner. Yes, you want to have a relaxed, conversational dialogue with your host, but a caution here is to avoid talking over the host, speaking in an overly familiar manner, or slipping into using profanity and slang in your discussion. On certain topics and genres, this may be more accepted than others, so if you have any questions at all with what is permitted, and what the host will allow, then specifically ask for details about this ahead of time. Some hosts are okay with strong language during the podcast, reviewing their episodes you may see that it will be marked explicit with an E on all or some of their episodes, whereas some hosts would find that offensive and do not want any crude language. Ultimately, the host knows their listeners! So, make sure you are always respectful of the standards they wish to have on their episode. By following the suggestion above to listen to several episodes ahead of your interview, you will get a clear understanding of the style and tone of speech that the host endeavors to create on their platform.
By employing the do’s, steering clear of the don’ts and harnessing our pro tips, you will be on the highway to podcasting success. Its green lights all the way, and the first stop is your next guest interview.
Still looking for more tips? Click here to access our eBook How to Be a Successful Podcast Guest!
we are podcast bookers
Who we are: Simply put we are expert podcast bookers. We have been busy for years now, booking guests on podcasts for business owners, podcast hosts, book authors, business coaches, financial advisors, retail brands, SaaS, Apps, tech companies, fitness and health professionals - really anyone who wants to tell the world who they are. We also work with marketing agencies who would like to offer podcast guest booking to their clients, but want to use our team. We are proud of our team - we have been around long enough to know that it takes hard work to book our clients on top podcasts - but when we see our clients successfully grow their client base and build a great online reputation - it is worth all the effort and more.
Email our team manager Michelle to see if you qualify to be a podcast guest.